
About our Staff-Lisa Swan
December 17, 2024 | In: Staff
Meet Lisa! Lisa is part of the LCFASD Rajani Clinic Training Services Team. Lisa has been in various roles at the LCFASD for the past 11+ years. As Clinic Training Coordinator, Lisa supports FASD diagnostic clinics across Alberta, coordinates new training and training requests for new and emerging FASD diagnostic clinics. In her time at the LCFASD, Lisa has gained extensive knowledge in FASD while supporting individuals with FASD and their families, being part of a multidisciplinary diagnostics team for both adults and children, supporting women who have used substances during their pregnancies, and working closely with the vulnerable populations in the communities our agency serves. In her spare time away from work, Lisa enjoys spending time with her husband and 2 adult sons, travelling to tropical destinations, camping, and volunteering with the Special Olympics.

The Lakeland Centre for FASD provides cost-free programs and services in the Cold Lake, Bonnyville, St. Paul and Lac la Biche areas, as well as on First Nations and Métis Settlements through Alberta.