Summer Camp


The Stuff Dreams are made of


Since 2006 The LCFASD has been hosting week-long overnight camps that have given children with FASD the chance to have an unforgettable summer camp experience.

The children at the camp can be themselves, meet other children who share their experiences and most importantly, they can have fun.

The camp is hosted by experienced counsellors who understand the special needs of children with FASD. They aren’t there to change childrens’ behaviour but to change the expectations placed upon a child to reflect their unique abilities. They’ll also teach children daily living skills, leadership, socialization skills and respect for self, others, culture and the environment.

Please contact the Lakeland Centre for FASD for current summer camp application or for more information.



“This the best camp ever! I haven’t been timed out once!”


“I love this camp!
When can I come back?”


“I wish camp was a month. I don’t like it here, I love it”



Make Summer Camp a Reality for a Child

Over the years our summer camp program has grown in leaps and bounds, and we need your help to grow our summer camp facilities so we can continue offering amazing camp experiences for children with FASD.

Learning & growing together

With the support of Alberta Tourism, Parks & Recreation, LCFASD has secured a 2-hectare parcel of land along the southeast shore of the French Bay Provincial Recreation Area, near Kinosoo Ridge Ski Resort. The Government of Alberta, the Cold Lake City Council, the MD of Bonnyville, local School Divisions, Lac La Biche Rotary Club and the Oil Ladies, just to name a few, have put forth their support of our summer camp.

The new camp facilities we want to build will more than double the number of children who we can host each year and will also provide valuable funding for our work by renting out our facilities for corporate retreats, meetings and more!

Interested in booking the space?



Every little bit helps, but one exceptional individual or organization could make a huge difference to the lives of hundreds of children each year with a single donation. We would honour major donors by publicly recognizing them and allowing them to use the camp during off-season for the first year of its operation, among many other valuable sponsor recognition opportunities.


If you would like make a large, TAX-DEDUCTABLE DONATION to help change childrens’ lives then please get in touch.


To Our Camp Sponsors