
July 13, 2018 | In: Staff
LCFASD is very proud to recognize Kayla Vick and Lisa Swan with our 2018 Extraordinary Client Awards. This award is given to an employee who has gone above and beyond to advocate for their clients to gain access to services, supports and family engagement.
Lisa made a jump from her position on the 2nd Floor after 5 years and has really come into her role as a coordinator. She works hard for all her clients, will ask for help when needed and finds new ways of supporting difficult clients. This often involves her common sense approach to life. Congratulations Lisa!
Kayla encompasses all of the qualities that we hope to provide our clients with at the 2nd Floor, she’s compassionate, non-judgmental, and an advocate for each woman that crosses her path. She prides herself in the community connections that she’s able to build and understands the importance of our presence in community and in this world. Every project she tackles exudes her passion and unique way of thinking, she continues to leave her mark. Congratulations Kayla!
*pictures are taken with Audrey McFarlane, our Executive Director and Stephanie Oleksyn, our Board Chair.

The Lakeland Centre for FASD provides cost-free programs and services in the Cold Lake, Bonnyville, St. Paul and Lac la Biche areas, as well as on First Nations and Métis Settlements through Alberta.