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Supporting Through Outreach

May 5, 2020 | In:

In honour of our 20 year anniversary we wanted to share with you some of the amazing programs that we offer here at the Lakeland Centre for FASD, so every month we will highlight a new program. This month we would like to introduce you to Post Diagnostics Supports!

Lakeland Centre for FASD’s vision statement of “…envisioning a region with no new FASD births and where currently affected individuals are well supported” is the driving force behind the commitment of our Outreach Team. 

Whether completing the diagnostic process with our Lakeland Diagnostic team or moving into the region with a diagnosis already in place, every client receives the assistance of one of our dedicated Outreach Coordinators, who assists each client in determining their unique array of strengths and limitations.

The Outreach Coordinator is tasked with determining where supports are required by reviewing the clinic recommendations and meeting with the caregiver and/or client.   Supports are then identified depending on availability in their community and meeting the criteria of the service. These supports can look like going into the school and meeting with teachers, connecting the family of the child to Speech Language and Occupational Therapy services, connecting the family to Family Support for Children with Disabilities (FSCD), connecting with a transition or employment coordinator, navigating the justice system, making connections to programs that foster a positive peer group (life skills, healthy relationships), assisting with accessing Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH) and Persons with Developmental Disability, counselling and mental health supports. It is important we provide strategies and tools for addressing everyday life situations as well as future preparation. It is also important to identify and incorporate the natural supports of family and friends.

The Coordinator then builds these supports into a collaborative network by using a case conference approach where all stakeholders are briefed on the clinic recommendations and diagnosis, and FASD training is offered through Lakeland Centre.  The goal is to have all team members understand the diagnosis of FASD and how it affects our client’s day-to-day life.

From this collaborative meeting a Client Goal Sheet is created which becomes the plan for client services.  The Client Goal Sheet is a fluid document, where goals are updated, and new goals are created as needed.  Following this model gives the Outreach Coordinator a guide to support the client yet be completely flexible regarding situations and circumstances that arise.  This model also allows the Outreach Coordinator to transfer the majority of client services to the natural and professional services involved while remaining available, in the background, as needed.

All of these steps together create an environment where our clients are well supported and where these supports are well trained in FASD, creating an interdependent environment for our clients to grow and thrive.




The Lakeland Centre for FASD provides cost-free programs and services in the Cold Lake, Bonnyville, St. Paul and Lac la Biche areas, as well as on First Nations and Métis Settlements through Alberta.

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