

Stay In-The-Know: Our Blog

The best way to end FASD is information. We believe that when expectant mothers, caregivers, their support systems and people living with FASD are given enough information we will empower individuals from all walks of life to make positive change in our world.

Speaking up against Stigma

The Lakeland Centre for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder would like to make a public statement about a January Saturday Night Live Skit Winter Formal.  We would first like to state…

Lakeland Centre for FASD would like to share with you Alberta’s exciting news in the world of FASD!

On November 8th the Government of Alberta, (including the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Education), launched a newly developed collaborative approach designed to build capacity…

Melanie Kwiatkowski – Mothers to be Mentor

Hi! My name is Melanie Kwiatkowski, I am the new Mother to be Mentor at the Lakeland Centre for FASD. I work in the Bonnyville and surrounding area. I have…

Darlene Desrochers – Employment Coordinator

Hi I’m Darlene Desrochers and I am the new Employment Coordinator for Cold Lake and Bonnyville area.  Some may recognize me, as I was working upstairs at the Second Floor…

Let’s Continue the Conversation FASD and the Justice System; with keynote speakers!

Please click on link for keynote speaker bios and schedule Let’s Continue the Conversation, FASD & the Justice System Conference Schedule – Lakeland Centre for FASD (


The Lakeland Centre for FASD provides cost-free programs and services in the Cold Lake, Bonnyville, St. Paul and Lac la Biche areas, as well as on First Nations and Métis Settlements through Alberta.

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